Get notifications on updates for this project. Get the SourceForge newsletter. JavaScript is required for this form. No, thanks. Features easy conversion of unicode special characters to grace fonts for characters which exist in grace live-updated plots for real-time histogramming supports most of the plot and dataset types native to grace just updated for cross-comptibility between python 2 and python 3 qtgrace compatibility for modernized non-x11 MacOSX and Windows support.
Project Activity. Categories Visualization. Follow xmgrace python interface xmgrace python interface Web Site. Mit einem Experten sprechen. User Reviews Be the first to post a review of xmgrace python interface! Report inappropriate content. Choosing your data. Even though we may import a large amount of data, we may only wish to manipulate or to focus on a small subset of that data. Hide is safest. You can use the bar on the left with Z and z to zoom in and out of your data.
Autoscale As will autoscale to all non-hidden data sets. And when you import data you can choose whether or not to autoscale to XY, X-only, Y-only or not at all. Finally, you can select regions horiz. Rang and vert. Range work best. This is handy for getting the derivative of only part of your curve e. For a tangent or finding a fit of just part of the data.
Presenting it well. For publication ready graphs, a line thickness of at least 3 is recommended and symbols should be at least or larger. Clicking to the left or right of any sliderbar will automatically increment the size in units of I find this handy for getting precise size increases quickly.
Increase the fonts on your axes to at least size font as well. Yes, I know that this interface is at first not very intuitive. The third mouse-button is usually the mouse-wheel pressing on it.
There are only popup-menus in the set-lists lists with G0. S0 and similar entries. Try double-clicking somewhere. To get a popup in the main-window you have to activate it in the preferences. Parsing of csv-data is indeed a bit problematic with the latest release-version.
Especially time- or date-formats are not read correctely. I am currently working on this. But if you are using dates or time this will not work nevertheless. If you want I can upload the current development-version of QtGrace that is very capable of reading files of differnt formats via simple drag and drop. And as a final remark: I do not 'hire' any help. Everything I do by myself and everything is free of charge.
I try to help if anyone has some problems and I am indeed very interested in bugs. Therefore the interface is and stays at it is. The interface can be comfortable and efficient if you get used to it. I really appreciate having binaries of the familiar and powerful 'grace' on all major platforms!
Thanks for this. However, for my purposes, qtgrace is missing one vital component: print to pdf. This comes with the original xmgrace and is a necessity for my work. However, this simple missing option forces me to continue use the original xmgrace through X11 :.
The code seems to not build properly on fedora Can this be fixed?