It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. My data usage graph: click to enlarge. I don't know what Android is downloading, but it does it continuously and it has a big effect on my battery's life. When I disable mobile data, the battery usage line becomes flat see second picture. How can I check what exactly "Android OS" is doing? And how can I disable this activity? Here is the battery usage graph.
As you can see, the line became flat when I've disabled mobile data. I've found the culprit! The phone kept reaching the SIP server probably to check for incoming calls. I had to install a packet sniffer on the phone tPacketCapture to see where the requests where going and realize I had configured a SIP account. With ICS, you can disable background data usage for specific apps: click to enlarge. Clicking on the app brings you to a details screen that allows you to disable data usage or background usage.
Have you looked at something like Onavo Count to monitor data usage? Then turn off background data for all of them. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. This can be visualised by the diagram from above:. We had parallelism in the first code example, in which we executed the coroutine with the default dispatcher.
There, drawing the UI and performing a calculation step happened at the same time, as the following diagram illustrates:. Now you also know why the concurrency example took much longer than the example that used parallelism.
The latter utilised another CPU core to perform the calculation on a background thread, whereas the former did both the calculation and the drawing of the UI in the same thread This is simplified; of course, much more happens on the main thread. It makes our calculation cooperative for cancellation. The first thing that yield internally does, is to check whether the coroutine got canceled. If so, the calculation also prematurely stops.
Without yield , the whole calculation would always get executed entirely, even when the coroutine got canceled earlier. More info about cooperative cancellation can be found here. In this blog post, I demonstrated how you can use Kotlin Coroutines to perform an expensive calculation on the main thread without freezing the UI. I also explained some internal behaviour of the Coroutines library, the functionality of the suspend function yield and the differences between concurrency and parallelism.
In real-world applications, because of better performance, you should still perform calculations on a background thread. The example project The example I use for this blog post is UseCase 17 of my sample project about Coroutines. By clicking on the different buttons, the factorial is either calculated on a background thread using the default dispatcher the main thread that freezes the UI the main thread without freezing the UI While the calculation is in progress, the app shows a progress bar.
The right way: Using the Default Dispatcher The proper way to perform an expensive computation on Android using Coroutines is to use the default dispatcher Dispatchers. ONE for i in The wrong way: Performing the calculation on Main Thread This is the code that performs the calculation directly on the main thread:. The interesting but very inefficient and slow way: Performing the calculation on Main Thread without freezing the UI.
Concurrency VS Parallelism This example showcases the concept of concurrency in a nice way. Ledow View Profile View Posts. I'd guess AV as the most likely culprit, but yes you need to look into task manager and sort by cpu usage to find the problem. If CPU usage is high, that should tell you why and who's using it.
I have noticed this is not a problem unique to steam though. I have not tried downloading with firefox or iexplorer yet, but I guess it'll give the same results. I have also noticed that stopping an active steam download now takes ages and sometimes crashes steam. This is not the case for the torrent, it seems to handle the situation better.
System is Win7 x64 last updated three days ago to the most recent updates. Edit: running a scan with avast now, just to make sure. Last edited by Mc Intire ; 12 Jan, am. Update: After some extensive testing, I can say this problem only persists with Steam dls. Stress test with tabs opening simultaneusly and a video running in the background did not cause any noticable CPU lag.
I guess this reduces the possible causes to either Steam or the Red Orchestra 2 dl that always lags up.