The document synchronizes to the requirements expressed in other industry consensus documents and is most often used with the material and process standard IPC J-STD Released October DoD Adopted! Download the adoption notice. Preview the table of contents. More Details Related Items. Major topics include flex attachment, board-in-board, part-on-part, both lead-free and tin-lead criteria, component orientation and soldering criteria for through hole, SMT, cleaning, marking, coating and laminate requirements IPC-A is invaluable for all inspectors, operators and trainers.
It calls out newly revised test methods and updated requirements for formulation change. IPC Voluntary Safety Standard for Electrically Heated Process Equipment This voluntary standard establishes minimum requirements for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of electrically heated process equipment in order to minimize electrical hazards and prevent fires that may occur in combustible tanks, tank liners and drying equipment.
Download IPC Kb. IPC Amendment 1 Generic Standard on Printed Board Design The January release of Amendment 1 for the IPC standard provides expanded coverage of plated-through hole test specimens in addition to a new test specimen for the purpose of evaluating bending flexibility and endurance for flexible printed wiring applications. This amendment also includes updated figures for etched conductor characteristics and printed board size standardisation.
Includes information on conformance to both fabricator and customer design rules and can be used by printed board designers as an output quality check. Amendment 1 for the IPCA includes updating of the plating requirements for electrodeposited copper, as well as corrections to specifications for metal core printed boards following industry use of IPCA.
Corrections have also been made for the tables highlighting internal layer thickness as well as external conductor thickness after plating. IPC, Amendment 1, includes corrections noticed by industry following the publication and regular use of IPC In addition to technical changes to the requirements in Section 3, the qualification and conformance testing, sampling plan, acceptance testing and qualification tables have been updated.
Just like IPC, Appendix 1 now serves as a requirements cross reference. The position paper offers a history of military specifications, from their overall development to the initiation of the Perry Initiative and Acquisition Reform.
Click here Kb to download the position paper. IPC Change 1 includes updates to Procedures 4. New Procedures have been added; 6. IPC Change 2 includes new 6. Updated Table of Contents pages and Acknowledgement pages are also included. Fabricators often receive multiple requests from multiple customers to manufacture test panels as part of qualification procedures. The PCQR2 process provides an industry standard for the design of these benchmark process capability test panels. The data resulting from this process provides database subscribers with the ability to review detailed results from individual fabricators, and to compare the capabilities of multiple fabricators across the industry.
This document describes this process for evaluating the manufacturing capability of key attributes specified in the design and acceptability standards controlled by IPC. It initiates and drives technical, managerial, and financial programs to enhance the working relationships and equipment compatibility within the electronics assembly industry.