Minecraft 1.9 spigot download

NoCheatPlus attempts to enforce "vanilla Minecraft" mechanics, as well as preventing players from abusing weaknesses in Minecraft or its protocol, making your server more safe. Organized in different sections, various checks are performed to test players doing, covering a wide range including flying and speeding, fighting hacks, fast block breaking and nukers, inventory hacks, chat spam and other types of malicious behaviour.

For a more complete list have a look at the always outdated Features Page. Skip to content. Star Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats 3, commits. Failed to load latest commit information. View code. Usually it should work with NCP.

Don't use tabs in the config. Use ProtocolLib for full efficiency of the fight checks and other. Using a version of ProtocolLib that is supported by NCP is essential, as otherwise some checks will be disabled. We use Maven 3 to handle the dependencies. But it could be we're just missing the point. Need to look at the code a bit, perhaps the first group in the configure file is the default group regardless of what it is called.

Might be easier to just test. Finally updated everything to 1. So far everything is working as it should, but am receiving these errors. I've deleted the config. Please let me know if it matters and if it can be fixed another way. SpaceManiac Owner. CurseForge Register Sign In. Download Latest File. X Table of Contents. Both users and groups can be assigned individual permissions and parent groups to inherit permissions from. Support for global and per-world permissions. Reload configuration from file without reloading the plugin.

Ability to check if a player has a specific permission node. Ability to dump all permissions a player has and the plugins that set them. Ability to print plugin, description, and default for a given permission node.

Ability to modify the permissions of groups and users and the groups of a user in-game. Built-in antibuild via the "permissions. PermissionsBukkit collects this information about your specific usage: The number of groups, users, worlds, permissions, and permission roots first parts in your configuration.

Whether you use per-user permissions, per-world permissions, group inheritance, and API features. Whether anti-build is enabled, assigned to the default group, and has a message. Whether debug mode or custom permissions permissions. Whether the example user "ConspiracyWizard" is in your configuration this is not a real person.

Rollback Post to Revision RollBack. Hi, is prefixes a thing in this plugin? Hi, does it work in 1. Thank you for your work on this great and very usefull plugin! Mizar6 Looked at the code, "default" group is hard coded in three places in the main file, for my purposes I just changed it there and complied it with Eclipse following the directions for a blank Spigot plugin.

Adamon69 Players are in the group "default" when they join, I had a friend make a plugin to move them into the group I wanted them to start in.

Chevels Yes, I have no issues with it working, so far on 1. Hello, Does it work for 1. IllegalArgumentException : ' default' key contained unknown value at org.


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