Created by xyzzy. Improved Combine NPCs. This addon is not in active development anymore, and I, BlackSuited aka Ehsaan, am not able to maintain it. Improved Resistance NPCs. Most of this mod is now part of the update on April 17th This means most of the features included in this mod have been rendered useless, as they are already be part of your game without the need of this addon. Combine Tactical Variants. Simple Combine NPCs.
Missed the old, pre-improvement combine? Want to make it look like you're outsmarting the Combine's tactics? In short, this makes them stupid again. Here's some b Created by ATaco. Looking back on my old code, I was quite dissapointed in myself, and how I did things, so I rewrote the entire addon from the ground up, conveniently releasing it on Janu Weapon Spawn Platforms. Created by Lexi. This is a very rough first pass for weapon spawn platforms.
It has wire, permaprop and map embedding support. NPC Spawn Platforms v3. A highly customisable STool that allows the wielder to create a SEnt that will continuously spawn the specified NPC with the specified weapons until stopped, allowing them to stage huge NPC battles, either against themselves, or against rival NPC factions Zombine NPC. Created by wonderboy Its basically a fast zombie with a grenade duck taped to it's claws, your welcome and also it can be placed in disable thinking and stuff because the grenade does not detonate until the fast zombie is dead, and detonation is instant so kill the fast zombin FFCM Combines.
Created by Jonahex. This addon contains models and NPCs of combines from the great Zombie SNPCs. Outfitter: Multiplayer player models. Created by Meta Construct.
Coming straight from the Meta Construct Labs Now you can wear workshop playermodels also in multiplayer! Yes, others will see what you wear too! You can also test it on the servers of Meta Construct [metastruct. Created by Helghast Loyalist. VJ Base is required for this to work. Admin Ball. Created by Buu A Ball that when you eat, it gives you health. Have fun admins ; Thirteen's Physgun Glow. Created by Thirteen. Makes your physgun and gravity gun emit light onto walls.
Its most visible on dark walls. HD FX 2. Created by DeadlyDeveloper. Hit Numbers. Adds damage indicators whenever you hurt something. This is a serverside or singleplayer addon. The server must have this addon installed in order to work in multiplayer.
The name of that addon is Missing Info 1. Now I didn't make this to replaceit but I fixed the npcs that are in the mod and dont have the default combine soldier and prison guard reskinned and I added playermodel to the Arctic Combine Soldiers. Created by DMCH. Includes clean and dirty variants, viewmodels, playermodels and NPC's.
Half-Life 2 Beta's Urban Soldier used as a base Created by Headstub. Created by SuspiciouslyAwesome. To remove the overbright bloom, open the "post-processing"-tab, enable bloom and set the multiply amount to 0 If the reflections are too bright, you can dis City ruins. Created by pootis. Large map with unimaginative yet descriptive title.
Lovingly handcrafted and complete with NPC nodes. Suitable for roleplay, construction, machinima-ing, or whatever else you want. I've been working for a long time on this one and made tons of custom content. The map can be used for pretty much everything. On this map, I put special attention to AI and pathfinding, so get ready for Freespace Created by Freak On A Leash. Freespace 13 Night. Hello and welcome! I worked the last 2 months on this map. And finaly, it's finished! So why don't you take a look at it, explore it and enjoy it?
Features: - Lakes! Created by Bigwig. Created by Andeski. Created by » Magic «. A night version of bigcity! Equipped Weapon Addon. Created by Zombie Extinguisher.
Simple ammo limitations. Created by Speedy Von Gofast. My very first LUA script I made. Since no one is going to make this kind of addon, I've decided to learn LUA and make it myself. A simple addon that remplace the unlimited ammo by a limited ammo amount of your own choice. Ammo limitations settin A post-nuclear gmod map. Fully noded for AI If you are seeing checkered shadows on the ground it's because you don't have Episode 2 installed. Friendly Metro-Cop. Created by Littlefoot.
NOTE: I no longer support this addon, and will likely not make any more in the future. You can still download it if you wish, but any bugs that exist will not be fixed. Friendly Combine Soldiers. You can still download it if you wish, but any bugs will not be fixed.
I recommend you download this instea Created by GlubtasticMrPeelz. PMC playermodels. Created by maJor. Hello everyone, this is my first workshop addon and my very first convertion of a ragdoll into a playermodel. Content: All 84 mo Headcrab Plague. Created by YelMalanta. Zombie Plague. This addon is another take on the zombie plague, With this mod anyone who dies from one of the zombies bec Created by Heox.
Players stuck in other Players?! No longer with this addon! Credits: Infinity Ward and Professor Heavy. Mobile Spawnpoint 2. Created by Wacky. You spawn the SENT and you place it wherever. Then you press E on it and it chooses the spawnpoint for you to spawn at.
Works with gmod Credits to Esik1er, i just uploaded it to workshop US Army Fort Zancudo. Created by Police Soldier NPC. Created by Willi Wakker. Customizable Flashlight. Created by Paynamia. This weapon is meant to be a recreation and improvement of Zoey's Magenta's Zombie Master Flashlight once available for Garry's Mod This weapon is recreated from scratch to provide a similar function to the weapon removed from garrysmod. Warning: Cop1 and cop2 models can stay standard metropolice model.
Red Vs Blu 2. FiLzO's Reviving Mod. Players and NPCs. Created by Masterlamb. Credits: Inconceivable! Requires M9K small arms addon in order for it to work. Combines usually go into a t-pose when using handguns such as pistols and revolvers, they are not designed to shoot handguns.
However, they are able to use the glock 18 without going into a T-pose Nightvision mod. Created by Asymmetric Footwear. This is not by me, I just fixed up the code.
Please tell me about any bugs. Original description: Fully customizable nightvision, An addon by DylanB. Thanks to Shephard for requesting this model. This is just the default Metro Police model but you can't color this one. Original model by Valve A lot of people have been requesting this model and I know this model is already in-game but I prefer the default one. So hope you guys enjoy it. Created by Bundii. Random Combine. Neon Combines. Created by Latrop.
Outland Combine Soldiers Hexed. Here's a new set of combine models to replace your old ones, in the style of the hl2 Beta The soldier and prison guard both have shotgunner skingroups. New Better Looking Rebels. By Request, I uploaded this. Not Mine, They're by Mr. He may contact me if he wants this taken down. This aswell includes a skin-over of Refugee's and Citizens! Created by spartanmark6. Since the original creator didn't want to make this an NPC and playermodel, I decided to do it myself.
Created by Noob Saibot. Probably the largest and most tedious NPC pack that i ever had to repair, the infamous Combine infantry pack Each model has a squad leader skingroup, and they come with a sp Now includes playermodels and NPC's, of course! Half-Life 2: Episode Two Combine reskins. Created by The King of Lizards! Created by Xoma-X4. Created by hi. Hello everybody, these are some Half-Life 2 zombie skins that were not put in the game for use outside of beta. Created by Sgt Stacker.
Feel free to use this for your server wherever you see fit, Camouflaged Antlions Reskin. Created by misterandreyka. Russian Federation Army Infantry [P. Created by Mao Long. This is the original fearbine model, prior to Kari's edits. Yeah, he was black and white with a green F. R Eye. He is compatible Karimatrix's Fearbine Player Model.
Created by Ol' Stinky Jim. This is a player model from gmod 12 made originally by Karimatrix and I have just put it here. All credit goes to Karimatrix the original creator. The final NPC I'm uploading for a while. This is a hybrid of a Combine Elite and a Replica soldier from the first F. R, which in result has been combined into a "FEARbine". In most roleplay servers, these guys are top ranking combine of some kind that a Created by.
Sadly, these models eventually broke and ended up being buried and forgotten within the depths After finding out that Garrysmod.
So, I bring you this HEV suit from an alternate reality! Created by Freeman. Standoff Suit: Pro's You By downloading this,you can use a custom suit I made for Combine Suits 2. By downloading this,you can play as a custom suit I made for CS Created by meangreen. Elite Metrocop Playermodel. Created by Scoman! Created by Jaymes. Another addon I released several years ago that I've remade and improved. Citizen Soldiers NPCs.
Created by Elliott. And thanks to your patience and support it is here!!! Citizen Soldier Playermodel. Recompiled and lua coded to be used as a playermodel! Custom Explosion Effect. Created by Azarus. Replaces the Explosion Effect. Damage Players in Seats. Created by YourProfileName. Military Grunt from S.
Games Me: Porting and rigging Created by Vinrax. Here are some weapons I made. Due to a request someone asked me to do, I made these into NPCs. I decided to u Created by Ness. Note I no longer maintain this addon. So any problems that occur won't be fixed. Download it h Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device. Created by Bobblehead. I'm no longer offering support for this addon. Sorry, everyone! Use at your own risk.
Created by CnicK The Crocodile. The portal gun modify to make a style like the real game NEW! Created by kcalb aet az leber. Only admins can VOX Broadcast in the serv Created by Astronemy.
Instant Glow Physics. An entity that adds glow effect to physcannon grabbed objects and some sparkles. You can change glow color using X-Ray Killcam. Created by Krede. Big thanks to Mr. Pyrous for allowing me to make NPC weapons out of his pack. Get Mr. NPC Weapon pack 2. Citizens, Metropolice, and Combines can use these guns. These NPC weapons can be found in the Npc Weapon Override list If you have any issues please refer to the troubleshooting section of the full description.
For a full list of all guns included, please check the discussion page. M9K Assault Rifles. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these s. M9K Heavy Weapons. M9K Small Arms pack. M9K Specialties. Murderthon Administration. Here it the Murderthon Weapon Administration module I have been working on all this time.
No new weapons, just a tool to change certain console variables. WAV files for M9K. This addon was not designed for TTT. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Are you tired of crapp Created by xdshot. What sets NPC Weapons apart? NPC Weapons are different from others in that these weapons can fire from any range, and NPCs will always fire these weapons as fast as possible with deadly a Starship Troopers NPC weapons.
Created by Predator CZ. Starship Troopers was released in year by now dead Strangelite Studios, i always wanted these bugs and some stuff in GMOD, first i made ragdolls but this is not enough for me eventually. So i did it, first SNPC's from this game of my childhood - exclu Intelligent HUD.
Created by Sakarias So this is actually an old project but I decided to finish it. Have been hard for me to find time to work on my own projects but at least it's done now. What is it? This addon provides you with augmented vision that lets you discover enemies or Hydra SNPC.
Created by Jon a scone. Please note, I did not make this, I merely bug-fixed it and "ported" it to Gmod 13! I fixed it up, gave it a suitable material, removed that annoying prop at the top of i Created by Duffo. Get ready to fight against a extremely fast and powerful jet. You defeat to Dan dragon snpc, you survive to Dan Black apache snpc, But now there is a new enemy that you must defeat, and he's ready to take your ass down.
This is the Hunter Jet. Created by Angelfinn This is based off of DrVrej's original mod. Me - create this pack. Update: This addon is very outdated and broken, I recommend checking out this one by Cpt. Created by froggy. An automatic ducking system like L4D2's. Automatically ducks the player over and under obstacles. Call of Duty 4 NPCs. Created by Alpha Male. Originally created and uploaded on garrysmod.
Pick up that can. Just pick up that can. Alien Swarm Pill Pack. Yeah, I made an NPC of this model because why the hell not. Enjoying your custom SWEPs but you wish they had larger magazines? Annoyed that all SMGs are crammed into slot 3? Want a pistol I made this addon back in when I had just discovered lua coding and was pumping things out rapidly. I've been wanting to come back with better projects on the workshop and have actually started reworks on some of my old addons.
Don't expect this Controllable Player Zombie Infection Mod! This mod allows headcrabs to infect players under 50 HP, and even better.. They can control it! It is also compatible with any headcrab infection mod you have, so you can get headcrab plus and have npcs infected and make you able to control it!
I rea Edit I made this mod when I was just testing the waters of lua code, it is very buggy and the code is awful and I'm not proud of it anymore. Combine Randomizer Remake! This is a remake of my Old Combine Randomizer Mod, It replaces all combine soldiers that have not had their model changed and will work with other mods so don't worry about that. Something new I've added besides remaking the whole mod is Zombine compat Zombies Expansion.
Created by MarioDox. A big wave of zombies is coming Zombies, that have different abilities. They're over Created by AnonymoScoot. This is a single-player gamemode where you're controling a squad of soldiers from a free-roam mode. Your job is to survive till the timelimit hits 0. You can order soldiers to go to places, attack enemy targets or stay on position clicking on them or other Grappling Hook. Created by Jvs. It's a grappling hook! Press use on it and hold G on your keyboard to use it.
Hold C and right click edit the grappling hook to change the keybind, it doesn't save the button right now but it will in the future. It's a jetpack! You can equip it by pressing USE default key is E on your keyboard. WASD to move, shift to hover, jump to rise up and crouch to go down. Soccer Ball. This is an actual entity you ding dongs, I know the model is already in the game, which this entity uses.
You can kick the ball by just touching it, that's the whole point, duh. Someone might remember this from the old Toybox, yes I made that Important: You need VJ Base for this to work. Created by Konnie. Not doing requests currently, have a lot more LOTR models to come, don't bother requesting them, thank you!
If you want me to contin SCars Slim. SCars Version 2. Then this addon is for you! With SCars you can customize your car in almost any way you want. Everything from paintjob and handling to suspension height and wheels. Keep in mind that this SCars Basic. SCars Basic Version 1.
SCars Extra. SCars Extra Version 1. Register now to get started! MMD3 is a helpful, free Windows software, belonging to th See a recent post on Tumblr from hoshichomizuki about mmd-download.
Bookmark this. MikuMikuDance MMD has all the features and preset models available for free, however, you may have to pay for some custom models that users create. Work with our 1 team to implement your marketing plan and get amazing results for enterprise. Gene Ontology GO annotations related to this gene include protein kinase activity.
MMD can be used by anybody, even people who have never animated before! It's a very easy and customizable program, and amazingly fun! In this group, we post many add-ons, models, pictures, and tutorials for MMD. Anyone with MMD can join! You can post any projects with MMD in them! Rules: No R stuff. At the bottom of the screen there are 4 boxes "Model manipulation", "bone manipulation", "facial manipulation" and "view" 4.
Unfortunately, the delay while only has received, models mmd sixteenth intervals. See more ideas about anime outfits, model, miku. Go to my OneDrive View, comment, download and edit mmd Minecraft skins. MikuMikuDance allows you to import 3D models into a virtual work space. Download Latest Ver. Mmd download windows 10 is available in the new release May for download from our file library, quickly and safely. Be nice to other people- even if they aren't beginners.
Y: See full list on learnmmd. Inside, some will kill, some will die, and some will be punished. To download the proper version of MMD you can check if your system is bit or bit.
More than downloads this month. While we wait for the do-everything astromech droid to become a reality, ConnectWise Automate is the next best thing. Blender MMD Tools. These can be house interiors, everyday items or full sized cities and landscapes often called 'stages'. This subreddit serves as a place for discussion and sharing links related to vocaloid and other singing synthesizers.
An important paralog of this gene is MMD2. Pubblicato da umpa a Dynamic Views theme. Create New Account. NONE of anything here belongs to me, unless I say it does. This needs to change.
Users can now import their own 3D models or download the models created by others. Sounds strange, but some stages have the ability to move to the music, literally. A: We recommend downloading the latest version of MikuMikuDance MMD because it has the most recent updates, which improves the quality of the application. The fact that it can import models and make videos is a huge step forward. MMD Android latest 3. Action role-play video game. The most popular version among the program users is 2.
Mmd models download is available in the new release May for download from our file library, quickly and safely. MMD3 latest version: A futuristic skin for your Winamp player. John Fler. Lord of The RIngs. Companion Cube. Lord black Hat. Jeffrey S. Superior Jacob. Hanako Fairhall. Imposter among us. Cryptic Runner. General Who Offline. This is going to have all the undertale mods and undertale related mods in it! Items Nextbot Azgror Dremur.
Created by Jeetlebuice. My second Sanic reskin, the one nobody asked for, and nobody wanted! Once again, all credit to Xyxen for his Sanic coding. I just did the reskin.
Incompatible with original Sanic, or Pech. Have fun! Created by TitaniumSpyBorgBear. Who needs arms when you got cousins like these? Advanced Bone Tool. Created by Thirteen. A tool to edit angles, scaling and the location of props bones.
Asgore Player Model 1. Created by Siege. Version 1. Changed hairstyl Asriel HD Player Model v1. If it still crashes, try turning your setting to 'high' apparently that fixes it in some cases Version 1. Ato Music Core. Hello guy's it's my first addons in the WorkShop! Created by gamingturtle4. Matt's Cores - Base. Created by Divided. This addon is needed to make the cores work properly. It is in a separate addon so that the Base Code and the base animation file can be updated without having to update every single Core pack, which serves as a favour for me and you both.
Echo Flower [Undertale]. Created by Skyplayer. The flower repeats the last thing it's heard! In Gmod, this means that you can click on it with "E" and a textbox will appear, containing the last chat message that was typed wit Extended Properties. Created by Rubat. This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers.
There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. Extended Spawnmenu. Created by Arby. Its goat moms house, from undertale. In gmod. What more do you need? A tool that adds paint to TF2 cosmetics, and another that adds critglow or jarate effects to TF2 items and characters.
Requires Team Fortress 2 for crit spark and jarate drip effects. Media Player. Created by Sam. Watch videos or listen to music with friends in Sandbox—based on the Cinema gamemode. How to fix this mod HTML5. This addon will add ambient and combat based music to Garrysmod. The Ambient music will be played when you have no combat with any npc but when combat between you and an npc erupts then the music will shift to combat. NPC Groups. Created by V Papyrus - Playermodel Undertale. Created by Ghost.
Finally got some freetime on my hands. Playermodel - Undertale - Alphys. Created this model for fun and practice. Created by FopTop. Just to note: this isn't a player model or anything complicated like that. The title may change in the future, too. Included are actually two models, one of them being the main protagonist. He has a bodygrouped shirt and hair model, too. Just like in th Undertale : Muffet. Original by Toby Fox.
This is not an offical model,this is just a fan-made. Spooder dance! Undertale Soundpack. Created by TrappingGull. Undertale : Dummy. This is not an offical model,this is just a fan-made It's Dummy.
Undertale: Madjick. Created by komobungus. Undertale Backgrounds. Created by The Derr Man. Includes 25 Undertale backgrounds for you enjoyment! Please thumbs up if you like it and want me to add more! Undertale: Asriel pone. Sooo gmod decided to stop working and I'm trying to figure out sfm, so have this dumb thing I originally put on my DA of a pony goatbro.
Oh, and he comes with the actual swords too Undertale : Asriel Dm. Hi everybody this month been a big Undertale theme to me, so i have made a lot of them recently but this one will be the last one i will make for undertale.
This is asriel in beast from and I will make the hyper death soon. Enjoy the fun you can make o Undertale Stupid Toriel Model. Created by Toreodere. Created by Dilly. Undertale : Asriel God of Hyperdeath.
Enjoy the fun you can make of him Thank you for always following me, i will start fixing all the model one by one after this month. Undertale - Annoying Dog. Created by [B]homas. So yeah, this is a Chara model I hexed, also this is not a Playermodel nor an NPC and never will be, by me at least, also I admit this isn't the best but I put a lot of freaking effort into this, like you wouldn't even believe it.
Undertale Snowdin Town Map. Created by Humin. Created by Aral. Enjoy it! Remember to give me credit if you make pictures or videos, and send me a link to them! I'd like to see it Thanks to Benno for helping me importing th Undertale : Greater Dog. Undertale - Sans and Papyrus. Created by Mister Prawn. I got nothing else to say, at the moment. Undertale Model pack. Created by Brewster T. Hello everyone! Today i bring a model pack of a few of my favorite Undertale Characters!
Created by Lena. Undertale death sound. Created by Anoniman Piotr. Adds the "game over" music from undertale as death sound. This is my first addon so don't hate me please :D Don't Forget to rate! Undertale is created by Toby Fox.
All rights reserved Undertale : Asriel Dreemurr. This model made by Yoksaharat. Also this only take 2 days to finish. Preview Image From a lot of my friends. Created by Sinful Mario. The first dog to go where no Dog has gone before! May contain traces of Le Note : Due to the editable version of the map completely dissapearing, i had to release this early unfinished version so as to not go through another 3 months developing it, as a result of this all music is missing and must be downloaded from a separate dr Playermodel - Undertale - Toriel.
Undertale: W. Beware of the man who speaks in hands He is now up on the sfm workshop! Created by Lily McFluffy Butt. Created by Mr. Undertale Annoying Dog Model Pack. Undertale Death Screen Game Over. Created by VictorienXP. Now you have the Game Over screen of Undertale when you die! Created by! Requires ULX. Sans' Hotdog Hotel Collab maps.
Created by PD. CS:S is required for this map. A basic map made for the "Hotdog Hotel Collab" with Sans. Comes with both a day and night version. Created by [ULX] Megiddo. The official latest release version of ULX admin mod the same you'd get from our website. Please see our website at ulyssesmod. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players.
The official ULib. Created by saintblue This is my first map, A recreation of the final corridor from Undertale. Easy Bodygroup Tool. An improved bodygroup tool, also supporting skins! And it works on effects too! Undertale Sans abilities. Created by CrishNate. After all Undertale: The River Person. Tra la la I hear Asgore has a favorite food Created by WireTeam. A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Facility.
Has 2 floors with a nice working elevator and several rooms for multiplayer wire sessions. Nothing too fancy, but it looks nice with the bright custom DEV materials. Let me know what Wiremod Facility V2. This is the second version of my Wiremod Facility map. The Unoffical Wiremod Server Content. Created by Ribbit. Created by General Who.
Undertale models, npcs and entities. I also made him able to teleport with the TARDIS just go inside click on the console, then press the left mouse button to teleport, you need the Asriel Dreemurr model and the tardis rewrite addons, tardis interior addon, Tardis addon and Doors Addon WD Gaster's Undertale props. Custom Trails 3.
Created by AwesomePandaax. My 3rd patch of custom trails. Once you subscribe it'll be there automatically in the pointshop! If you face any proble Created by crester. The only possible issue with PointShop is a conflict with another addon. Don't write different nonsense in comments about it. Pointshop HUD. Created by [Foggy]Killerghost.
I originally made this for my community servers Forbidden Oblivion, but im deciding to release it for you guys This will automatic Playermodel - Undertale - Undyne. This model is colorable.
It's a playermodel, and not an NPC. Spirman's Computer parts - Modern Pack. Created by Spirmint. Are you sad having to deal with those old CSS computer parts?
Do you wish there were more detailed models to build a computer with? Well now with this, for just a small loan of a million dollars, you're dreams can come true! The "small loan" meme is somew He currently does not have viewmodel arms as they ended up either too big or Super Happy Funtime. Created by Zedahktur. But you can still use it. Credit to Ginji23 for some of the sounds, texture help, and other shit that requires converting.
Created by squiz. Created by TheBomb. You need wiremod installed for this to work. The tools range from keycards and teleporters all the way to microphones and wire-compatible doors. Created by Squished Monkey. I did not make these models, materials or sounds. All the credit goes to the creators of wiremod, link can be found below Plushie Collection Props.
Some cute and fun plushies for you :3, it includes all the ones you see here: Drakey and Meggie, two characters of mine 'couse why not?? Sans and Papyrus, two characters from the great indie game Undertale. Some of them have body groups and skin Minecraft SWEP. Created by McKay. Spawn it first from the Weapons tab, then select it, then press R or your rebound weapon reload button to open the menu.
Features: - Auto block rotation and intelligent placement fence alignment, torches, etc. More Gun. Created by Warboss Vitali. All maps by me. Yet another Sans from another Undertale fan! Me XDXD!! Named: Sans by Estefanoida in the addons folder Undertale - Red. Created by Maximo.
From the Fan Made game of Undertale. Bodygroups for the mask and the shadow. Created by Nyx. After months of waiting and anticipation, your best friend is finally here! Let me know if there is any problems with physics or something like that. This is a prop, not With that out of the way Undertale - Snowdin Town.