Star tsp143eco driver download

You should receive an email shortly with your link to download the requested driver and release notes. We apologize for any inconvenience. PC Pitstop began in with an emphasis on computer diagnostics and maintenance. During the early days of the dot com boom, our online PC maintenance tools were skyrocketing. As times changed and PC Pitstop grew, we transitioned to a software subscription model to not only provide better and more secure diagnostic and maintenance tests, but turn our focus towards computer security with PC Matic.

The printer will print out a Windows Test Page, confirming successful installation. Video Tutorial. Created On June 17, Last Updated On September 22, Was this article helpful? How can we improve this article? Tags: Installation. In the extracted folder, navigate to the folder Windows, then to Installer. Double click file for the Windows bit version you are running. In this case, we choose the bit setup. If you're unsure how to find what bit version of Windows your PC is running, check out this link.

After double-clicking the driver the installation process should automatically begin, follow the prompts on screen.

After you install the Star driver, it may be necessary to configure some settings for the desired functionality. Need more counter space? Create more room by mounting the printer to the wall.

Certified by Microsoft for worry-free operation. Customize and brand receipts to keep customers coming back time and time again with professional graphics logos, coupons, and merge images , word-triggered advertising, and MORE! Energy-saving design for lower operating costs. Free, simple to use, provides a powerful marketing tool to brand receipts and give customers incentive to return Windows only.

Easily add logos, coupons, merge images, and more. Assign key words to trigger coupons based off of what customers purchase to keep them returning. Easily replace unwanted text with other words or white space. Adjust barcode size for professional looking receipts. See an image of your receipt design before you print it, thus saving paper in the receipt design phase.

Keep an electronic record of all transactions saved directly to your PC organized by date. Save paper by reducing the need for an extra copy. Reverse the entire receipt for vertical orientation; when the receipt is printed, it will be presented front-side up to the user.

Auto-Cutter with Emergency tear bar on the front guide.


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