So they have to at least consider it! The SC is all about precedent, thats how they get away with BS all the time. An investigation has been launched after reports of numerous pigeons being found dead in Llanrwst.
In a Facebook post, Mr Jones questioned whether the cause could be poison or avian flu, with other people in the Conwy Valley commenting they had also seen dead pigeons. Mr Jones, who was formerly mayor of Llanrwst, said: "I found another dead pigeon on top of a bin in town. We think getting this done is so important," Schumer told reporters during a conference call on Wednesday. The body is put to death here on the Earth and no amount of obamacare is going to save it; much to the ego's dismay.
But real-world observations continue to paint an entirely different picture:. The party's growing problem is twofold: On one hand, the White House and Senate are keeping their distance from the House's proposal to divvy up hundreds of billions of dollars between a progressive push for a massive expansion of Medicare benefits and a leadership-driven quest to permanently strengthen Obamacare.
On the other, progressives who got a lot of what they wanted in draft legislation the House Ways and Means Committee released Tuesday night are still unhappy with colleagues who would rather use the party's health care dollars on making expanded subsidies for Affordable Care Act coverage permanent. I wished for a yacht for years… didn't help, tooth fairy still only coughed up 20 cents.
Democrats are protecting the Chinese Communist Party by refusing to investigate. All the birds that use to hang out in the lot next to me have disappeared 2 days ago. The last time I saw a bird, some people were chasing it down the sidewalk because it couldn't fly.
I told them to leave it alone. They left, I threw some bread out for it to try to get it to go into the grass. All the bread is still out there 2 days later. Not ONE bird has been seen since. If you aren't working with your state legislature to achieve election integrity, start now. Gotta have all four to preserve our elections or we don't have a country. Listening to Lemon explain last night that Hurricanes are now moving from the Gulf all the way up the East Coast was educating.
They championed him for nearly 2 years, covered up all of his and his son's crimes and illicit behavior, and then covered up the subsequent fraud that finally got him in.
They need to be held accountable before anyone else. Federal authorities arrested Lieber in January , alleging that he made fraudulent statements to officials investigating his funding sources. Last June, a federal grand jury indicted Lieber on charges of making false statements, to which he pled not guilty.
The next month, Lieber was additionally charged with four tax offenses for failing to report income he allegedly received from Chinese sources. Marc L. Bowler of the U. District Court of Massachusetts at the February status conference. Lieber filed suit against Harvard in Middlesex County Superior Court in October , alleging that the University broke its contract with him by refusing to reimburse him for his criminal defense.
Kristen M. I was screaming at the tv over that and have not watched BB since. We tried to tell you the Left wanted to get rid of it! They get to make history. Vax-entration Camps? Reports of sick birds have declined in recent weeks, but the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources is asking residents to continue being cautious.
In late May, wildlife managers in multiple states, including Virginia, began receiving reports of sick and dying birds that were exhibiting eye issues, along with neurological symptoms. No definitive cause of illness or death have been determined. No human health or domestic livestock and poultry issues have been documented. As of mid-August, reports of sick and dead birds have declined in many jurisdictions, and the DWR is lifting its previous recommendation to cease feeding birds in affected areas.
If you look at his face his doesnt look like a soul, but a devil incarnate. No remorse, so destruction is his mission. WATCH this video. In addition, some of the materials may relate to violent or graphic events and are preserved for their historical significance. Its their end times and they know it, i hope Bette is first to the lake of fire. The age of consent laws, or lack thereof, throughout the world fosters an opportunity for men to participate in sexual relations with children as young as This information was sent to me from someone with the Northern Freedom Alliance who is very knowledgeable about the Law and our Rights.
If you or someone you know is facing the possibility of losing their job for exercising their right to refuse a medical treatment such as a Covid vaccine or Covid PCR test. You will find at the link below a Word document which can be modified and given to any employer who is trying to violate yours or anyone else human rights.
Fight back now. Once you lose this battle you never came back those freedoms! Ok,but why did Jesus have to accomplish so much and we dont? Not disagreeing with you though. Calvinists would take it a step further and say that we did not choose God, God chose us. Governor Justice said the quiet part out loud!!!! I just got up. Was the Bannon 'thang' a bust? Nuthin happened? Please let me know. Are these people just retarded, interesting UJ has not shown up since the images were fucked up.
Turn around and proceed to shit in the pool don't wipe! This is important. We have to understand the movies of the past and the true Power structure or we will never understand the present movie. The blunt answer: "The Deep State consists of greedy individuals and satanists are at the top. We need the Details. And I'm guessing that some are still posting pics just in case issue gets worked out and pic will at least be in previous breads?
Apparently there was fraud in Maricopa county. Everything is now different, can you feel it? Instead of killing all the male children, they render them sterile and effeminate.
Thank you. I cannot feel it. But I sure would like to 'feel it'. I see the files are being uploaded, file name and size.
They must be stored somewhere. Any thoughts? Public health officials - namely Dr. Your idea is noble but it assumes the US Supreme Court justices are not corrupt. We learned in the past 10 months that this is not the case. Prove me wrong. The memes are always with us; even when they are invisible, their magic is still real. I was counting on the fact that EO was about expire - thinking the big reveal would be soon. Biden administration will allow Afghan children to stay with the adult they arrived with in the US - after State Department warned men are bringing in underage brides.
Hope sumpin sure do happen. Come on Man. We can continue to refuse Him, however. Sexual Maturity? Is that NOT having sex with kids and animals? I took yesterday off. I don't think the data will show up even post active, if that is the case who knows what is being posted now. Maybe that solidifies the case the SC and the corporation must be destroyed once and for all. Only have sex with your husband if you are a woman , or your wife if you are a man.
It might br their onr last chance at redemption. Who knows but we can rejoice in the small battles won for the moment. Lagarde, no notable, has this been posted before, or is the 'Great Reset' vision of world domination under their new stake holder capitalist totalitarianism, using medical tyranny as their mechanism off limits to notetakers and bakers?
It was a turning point in the Patriotic War. I kind of think the special forces embedded know where they are going to. At least my hope of military planning at its finest. Tithes for the church to maintain the life style in which those who represent God. And there is no point in having sex with a prepubescent girl. So no child brides either.
Our crazy society made up the laws that a girl does not become a woman until she is Some States had laws that said a girl could be married when she was 13 or Good parents should have good sense and the best interest of their daughters when it comes to when they should be able to get married.
Amish people probably have more common sense than any other people around nowadays. Yep they have back up plans, we have back up plans. Sun Zsu. Lost votes are those votes where people voted but their votes were discarded. Ghost votes are those votes cast by someone other than the voter assigned to the vote.
Ok, all I was saying is use the HS the spirit of the law reading the bible. Pope Francis sends 15, ice-creams to prisoners in Rome. They do not always know.
Seal Team 6 didn't know who they were getting ready to kill. They just knew it was a HVT. Comms for Biden? Biden eats a lot of ice cream, comms that he's going to prison?
Rogers shared some of the statistics that former Army intelligence Captain Seth Keshel shared with her. The Biden Regime and the local government officials who stole the elections are appalled by the idea of a canvass because it will PROVE a fraudulent election. AZ State Representative and Candidate for Secretary of State also called to decertify the election after this bombshell was released.
Everybody in the country can visit Canvass This is so stupid. There are other ways of service for Evaders. Liz Harris just revealed that 96, votes that came out of addresses where the mail-in ballots could not have possibly been cast by the person that the vote was registered to. Mark Finchem immediately posted on Twitter calling for audit and canvass in all states. This fraud has been going on a lot longer than I am calling it.
Between the preliminary audit results and the private canvass, I call on Arizona to decertify the election of and recall the electors. There is already enough evidence to show clear and convincing fraud. We have a duty to act. Not only do we need a forensic audit of every county in Arizona, we need an official canvass of the election and of the voter rolls in every county in Arizona.
If the DOJ wants to obstruct, they can pound sand. Ballots returned but counted? How did that get into the system? Data shows while she kept the ballot, it was counted. Where is DOJ? We must send a signal to the People of Arizona that we have the courage to decertify an election that is rife with fraud and reclaim the Electors. They have every reason to have eliminated this EO, day one. Instead he's extending it. Anons know who's in control. This exercise is a necessary step to get everyone to wake up to the world around them, and what is to come.
On May 31, President Obama gleefully announced that he transferred five Guantanamo Bay detainees to Qatar in exchange for the release of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl who was held by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Breitbart provided the following information on the Taliban 5 back in December of —. Mohammed Fazl is one of the first freed Guantanamo detainees to be retained from Afghanistan, accused by the UN of committing war crimes, and suspected of taking part in the slaughter of thousands of Shiite Muslims.
Mohammad Nabi, the former chief of Taliban security, arranged cooperative offenses with Al Qaeda, according to declassified files. Abdul Haq Wasiq, a deputy to the deceased Taliban chief, Mullah Omar, was one of the top intelligence officials for the jihadi leader. He arranged training with top Al Qaeda operatives. Mullah Norullah Nori is a senior Taliban commander who is also wanted by the UN for war crimes, and also took part in the suspected mass killing campaign against Shiites.
He was reportedly trusted by Taliban chief Mullah Omar to negotiate ties with Iran. Every inch of progress we gain starts with the right to vote. Anybody know where that movie is? Language is one of the most critical elements of civilization. Language defines the mores that define civil boundaries and peaceable existence.
Language is an incredible art and equally defines heroism and instills resolve. Language has been hijacked, manipulated, tortured and twisted to support perversion of basic civilities. Previous vocabulary is used to communicate opposite concepts that it did in the past. The ancient prophet reveals this is not a modern phenomenon. Historical anecdotes abound showing how a twisted language misdirected, misled and manipulated a population to unimagined actions.
A manipulated language has led many nations to a destructive cycle. I grew up in the heyday of the Russian propaganda machine. There were two major sources of Russian State approved news. In that era, America was incensed that such blatant censorship was practiced and urged political forces to address and punish such inhumanity. The Soviet media language was crafted to frame the State as the total source of truth and all opposition as anarchists and troublers.
The sobering reality is that the manipulation of language did not did die with the dissolution of the USSR. This manipulation of language is a historical constant.
The action has existed from the beginning of time and will continue until the end of time. Evil is relentless in manipulating with twisted vocabulary and directing populations into paths that surrender freedom.
However, this concern has become subservient to an agenda of the Elite Rulers in our nation. Two examples are here presented and the reader can quickly add more. But the CDC has released a new advisory update on masking at schools of All is changing. Now citizens are told to have absolute, unquestioned confidence that these people know what they are doing—a manipulative vocabulary! I think there are a few individuals here including myself will say shit to get things off topic because it's funny.
I would really appreciate it if the states would come forward with their stats. Got it but why keep On Complaining when there could be s good reason its not now.
How long has it been diwn now. The Biden Budget Plan would subject millions of Americans to a new death tax. The Biden proposal is to implement a capital gains tax at death on previously untaxed appreciation of asset values during life. This new death tax would only impact taxpayers owning appreciated assets at death.
The Biden Budget Plan essentially would implement a new death tax for many middle-income taxpayers. Double for married couples. The Biden Budget Plan also includes a proposal to increase the capital gains rate to Expected inheritances passed along by taxpayers at death could be crushed by the Biden Budget Plan. The Biden Budget Plan calculates capital gains taxes owed at death without consideration of existing debt.
Today, she lives in her home with her daughter; they survive financially on their combined pensions and disability insurance. Under current law, when Mom passes, her daughter will inherit the house without death taxes. The tax calculation includes the new Biden proposed capital gains tax rate.
A married couple developed a family restaurant over a period of 50 years. Everyone worked in the restaurant from their parents at inception to their children as they grew into adults. The tax would be delayed until the business was sold or no family member was operating the business. He would owe zero death taxes under current law and zero additional death taxes under the Biden Budget Plan, a 0 percent estate tax rate.
The Biden Budget Plan might seem fair to some ivory tower theoretician, but to most, the relative results between taxpayers of different economic circumstance seem bizarre. While this moves the threshold of taxation up materially, there remains the issue of creating a significant new death tax on those currently not subject to any death taxes. The estate would still face a new death tax, the only difference would be the payment date. The result would remain a new death tax on millions of taxpayers.
While there have been a few academics discussing the concept of taxing appreciation at death, the reality of the Biden Budget Plan has not been widely explained to the American people. But, this has not been the case for over years in the United States. Congress waking up one morning and determining that it will implement a new estate tax that would include a very substantial proportion of American middle-class estates sounds distinctly like something that would have been considered by King George III in Do you only search for imsges, i saved 1,s of them on my phone, they help me get through the drought.
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