Yeah, that was kind of a shite int Considering that many vampires are decades or hundreds of years old the depiction of attire here is utterly unfathomable, modern and off putting. The photography is similarly u Honestly, for me is always about the lore. And this brings a new verse of the creatures of the night that doesn't feel forced in its bleakness, makes internal sense and delves into what would mean to become an immortal enemy of humanity into our digitalized world.
White wolf was Those of you who have read the original V:tM books may take my review with a grain of salt - I haven't read much of them, nor did I play that version much so I cannot compare the two.
That being said This is a gorgeous tome super heavy, glossy pages. The artwork is spectacular. I appreciate the time taken for the aesthetics. I wish the information were laid out a bit better, but the inclusion of a searchable PDF makes that a moot point. I really liked the inclusion of story to bring the whole Por l It's also a massive assumption, but I felt s A truly outstanding edition of the game both for longtime fans and newcomers alike.
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Matthew Mitchell. John Van Fleet. Alis Games. Arkhane Asylum Publishing. Modiphius Entertainment. White Wolf Entertainment AB.
Vampiri: La Masquerade Manuale Base. Fans: 9 Become a Fan. Record a Play. Size: Nick: PDF Version. Nick: Deluxe Edition. Nick: English First Printing. Description Edit History. Dark designs, bitter enemies, and strange allies await you in this World of Darkness. More Information Edit History. User summary: The early version of the book received an "Errata 1.
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