Things You Should Know About. Difference between CV and resume: When to use which one: Explained. How to write a literature review: Tips, Format, and Significance. Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here. You have entered an incorrect email address! Follow Us. Researchersjob is the career network for those who are looking for information regarding Postdoc, PhD, Research, Faculty positions.
This career network is for those who are searching for career opportunities in the sciences. Everyone from students to professionals can turn to Researchersjob to learn about their research options. And with just a single click of a button, OnlineCorrection. SpellCheckPlus is an online grammar and spelling checker designed for students who are using English as their second language.
Teacher- and student-friendly, the application aims to help students identify errors in their writing, learn from their mistakes, and write better in English. Meanwhile, this solution has a free and a paid version. The free version of the tool allows students to submit text for checking up to a maximum of 2, characters at a time. And beyond this text length limit, users can purchase SpellCheckPlus Pro, the paid version that offers more advanced features. Grammar Slammer is an English grammar and spell check software designed to help writers come up with compelling write-ups and content.
It also helps you understand grammar rules so you can avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Overall, the software seeks to have users learn the intricacies of the English language by providing answers to questions regarding the corrections the software makes. Moreover, it is among the most affordable writing enhancement tool in the market today.
Virtual Writing Tutor is an English-as-a-second-language grammar checker created for both students and language teachers, or bloggers, writers, and other professionals. This free online grammar checker aims to provide learning opportunities to students during those times when teachers are not available. For teachers, the solution reduces their workload by automating their proofreading and editing tasks, as well as the process of giving corrective feedback to their students on their assignments.
And with Virtual Writing Tutor, students can learn ESL independently and by receiving consistent and extensive feedback. Meanwhile, teachers can assign more writing tasks to their students without worrying about checking the assignments of their students. Aside from its much-vaunted institutional use, Microsoft Word is also built and designed for personal use, the de facto app to view, edit, create, and share beautiful documents.
Likewise, Microsoft Word provides document editing and proofreading tools that enable users to customize their documents and make them more effective. And due to its collaborative features and co-authoring capabilities, working on documents is simplified.
Moreover, coworkers, bosses, and clients can work on the same document, and everyone can be updated when there are changes made to a document.
Mention Microsoft Word these days, and most likely, Google Docs lurks around in some corner of your mind. And it works both ways. In fact, Google Docs does what Word can do and even more by harnessing the power of online collaboration. Aside from an extensive lineup of formatting options, it also offers a myriad of fonts and other robust tools for integrating a wide range of links, media, etc. Slick Write is a free online proofreading tool with nifty features to delight bloggers, writers, novelists, SEO professionals, and students.
The application has a user-friendly interface, making it easier to proofreads a write-up or text. This tool also comes in handy when you are creating a resume that demonstrates professionalism and excellent communication skills.
As a result, it helps users, for instance, to leave a good impression on potential employers in the job market. GrammarCheck is an entry-level writing application that helps identify basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The web-hosted service helps users write English more effectively and flawlessly.
After this, you click on the Check Your Text button to see the corrections. For all its seeming simplicity, GrammarCheck is powered by After the Deadline, a robust open-source program that utilizes AI and NLP technology to identify writing errors.
WordPerfect Office X8 is a leading office suite for business professionals, academics, and other users. This Corel-made product provides impressive results through new and enhanced features that allow you to do more with words.
This office suite also supports around 60 more file formats made by various document creation software. And this allows companies to be efficient and successful in handling documents. The proofreading software ensures that thesis papers, dissertations, academic papers, and other documents are error-free. WhiteSmoke's punctuation check software was designed to address the multiple shortcomings associated with other punctuation checker programs that are available.
This punctuation checker software comes with a variety of features, including the ability to efficiently analyze all sentences for structural errors.
If a punctuation error is located, WhiteSmoke's punctuation checker software program will prompt the writer to change the mistake.
Affected areas of the text are underlined and suggestions for possible corrections are given. Not only does this punctuation checker program find the mistakes, but it also teacher the writer how to avoid the mistakes in the future. WhiteSmoke's punctuation checker compares your written text with its large database of sentences, words, and mistakes and then uses an artificial intelligent algorithm program to determine the writing patterns.
The punctuation checker also comes with proofreading capabilities, thesaurus, auto correction features, and other custom settings you would not find in a writing program like Microsoft Word. Our punctuation checker assists novices and professional writers in writing impeccable documents without spending too much time worrying about editing and rewriting - it also teaches them a thing or two about the mechanics of the English language so that in time they'll make fewer and fewer grammatical mistakes and punctuation errors!
According to one survey, senior executives from of the largest companies in the United States were asked the importance of proper spelling in resumes. Over 40 percent of those who were given the question, "How many spelling errors in a resume will it take for you to not consider the candidate for the open position with the company?
Many senior executives state that the resume is an accurate reflection of the potential candidate; they assume if there is a spelling error in a job application, there will be errors while working on the job.
The same holds true for professional business websites. Having correct spelling is of critical importance when it comes to online content. It does not matter how good a website looks; if there are spelling errors it will detract from the site's intended impact and message. Properly spelled content increases the trust a person may have in a website.
Not only that, but properly spelled online content ranks higher on major search engine websites than misspelled content. Invest in WhiteSmoke's spell checker program to ensure that all words are properly spelled. Although Microsoft Word does have a spell check program, it is extremely limited. It will only check the spelling of a word, but not check how a word is used in a sentence. If there is an improper word in the sentence, the WhiteSmoke spell checker program will catch it and provide the writer with possibilities of what words to use instead.
When the spell check is activated, the spell checker program will do a comprehensive search of the entire text and highlight all misspelled words.
Students, for example, will find the spell checker program invaluable. It's a well known fact that students can lose points on term papers, research papers, essays, or any other academic assignment because of misspelled words.
Even though the Microsoft Word spell check program goes over the document, it does not catch everything. With the spell checker program provided by WhiteSmoke, students will not have to worry about this, as all written assignments they hand in will be completely absent of spelling errors.
While we all may rush through writing our documents on the computer, there is no excuse for poor spelling, especially when there is a good spell checker software program available, like WhiteSmoke. WhiteSmoke is credited with being the most powerful spell check tool available today.
WhiteSmoke will check your spelling in Microsoft Word documents, emails, blogs, and other social media networking tools. Wherever you can write text, WhiteSmoke's spell checker program will find all common errors associated with spelling and correct them.
WhiteSmoke uses advanced algorithms to detect not only misspelled words but correctly spelled words that are used in an improper context. This spell checker program will enhance the quality of your writing and provide you with error-free text every time. Subject-verb agreement. Passive versus active. Dangling modifiers.
Sentence units. Object clauses. There's a lot you need to keep in mind when constructing proper sentences. Get one little aspect of your sentence structure wrong and you run the risk of saying something that you don't mean, not to mention giving off the impression of carelessness or ignorance. To write effective and compelling prose - for both informal and formal documents - it's important that you have a working understanding of how sentences are structured.
WhiteSmoke's sentence structure checker will guide you through correcting your text to ensure that your sentences are grammatically and stylistically accurate and that they make sense. The sentence corrector will work to both identify and correct your incorrect sentences, as well as to educate you about proper sentence structure so that you don't make the same structural errors again. Some of the most common structural errors that WhiteSmoke's sentence checker will identify include:.
Our sentence checker will go through and proof your entire document, making sure that each of your sentences expresses a complete idea. Each sentence should have a subject and verb also known as a predicate and an object. Punctuation should be used accurately, with commas and periods in the correct locations.
Each sentence should begin with a capital letter. You'll find that when your sentences are written correctly, your text as a whole will flow better. Your thoughts will easily be translated into words and those words will easily be understood by your readers. One of the advantages of using WhiteSmoke's online sentence checker is that it does not work in a vacuum to correct only your sentences. It edits collaboratively with the grammar checker, spell checker, and online punctuation checker to make sure each and every element of your writing is proofread and optimized to the highest possible quality of writing.
It would be a shame if your sentence structure was spot-on but that the words in your sentence were all horribly misspelled! And what good is a perfectly spelled document if all the punctuation is way off? WhiteSmoke's sentence checker is an extremely popular tool for ESL students or for people who are translating their documents from their native language into English. For many foreigners, speaking English may be easy, but writing it may prove to be quite difficult.
WhiteSmoke's sentence check program will assist these individuals in improving their writing skills; such people will learn how to write sentences correctly, thus improving their English communication skills and producing more professional texts. WhiteSmoke's sentence corrector software is viewed not just as a helpful correction tool, but as an educational program as well.
The corrector won't just make the appropriate corrections, but will also teach users why the corrections need to be made. It is for this reason that more and more teachers and professors are encouraging their students to use the WhiteSmoke software - not just so that they hand in flawless assignments, but so that they embark on an enriched learning experience at the same time. So next time you edit your next school assignment, business report, or legal contract, and spot a misplaced modifier or a sentence fragment, you'll know exactly what it is and how to deal with it!
Yes, it has something to do with grammar. Yes, punctuation is a key element of style. WhiteSmoke Anywhere. WhiteSmoke Grammar. Search this site. WhiteSmoke Writer.