They find Jacques Ramone, the curator of the local art museum, is trapped at the top of the drop-tower ride. He tells them that he was kidnapped and placed there, but says he doesn't know why.
Joni and Owen investigate the park finding some art supplies and damaged robots, indicated some art forgery crime taking place. Owen goes to retrieve his wallet, along with Joni, and LapTrap, while Leslie, Santiago, and AliTrap head into the store, only to be shot by a shrinking ray and captured into a sack.
Once they escape from the sack, they realize they've been taken to the sixth floor. Using Owen's red video phone, they contact Leslie and Santiago and inform them of their plight, prompting Leslie and Santiago to try to rescue them. To do this Owen, Joni and LapTrap need to make their way into the toy store and construct a machine to reverse the shrinking effects while nabbing the perpetrator responsible for the shrinking of things in the toy store.
Horace Pythagoras sent a distress email that he was trapped in the house and needed rescue. It turns out to be a trap, and the four ClueFinders are separated. The series consists of 'Multi-subject by grade' programs, in which players practice skills and advance understanding of grade-based content.
The bulk of each game involves traveling between different screens in a predetermined area which has various educational activities. The user will have to play these games to advance. Most of the time, each area will have one activity that needs to be completed to advance onwards, but which can only be played by collecting items from all the other activities in the area.
A portable red videophone allows the two teams to make contact with each other and clicking on the phone provides the user with game hints from the other team.
The other team will typically either be serving as backup, looking for clues or else be captured and in need of rescue. Games have different activities divided among different areas, each with their skill and goal.
The games contain a number of parodies of and allusions to popular culture and other topics. In The ClueFinders: Mystery Mansion Arcade , unlike the other games the activities are not as educational as the previous games, but more arcade-oriented. The mini-games consist of an obstacle course, category matching, a maze game, and a pinball game. In The ClueFinders Math Adventures the game is set up similar to Clue in that the central goal of each round is to identify three variables - who stole the treasure, which treasure they took and where they hid it - based on clues.
Clues are acquired from playing games and helping the villagers with their work. When twenty-four treasures are restored, the game is won. During the gameplay, 2D computer graphics are used in the style of hand-drawn animated cartoons with animations that use thick outlines and solid colors on two-dimensional backgrounds. Pythagoras because he felt that Dr. Pythagoras was too close to exposing the smuggling operations, and is now being held captive with the animals that Limburger captured.
After admitting that he was behind the mystery, Limburger locks Joni, Santiago, and LapTrap in the city and flies away in his Mathra plane to collect more animals. Then two ancient guardians of the Lost City, which take the form of stone statues, reveal to the ClueFinders that Dr. Pythagoras and the captured animals are trapped on the other side of the Bottomless Pits of Doom. In order to save them, the ClueFinders must rebuild an ancient Mathra trap created by the Numerians long ago, by collecting snakes made from ancient Numerian magnets called Snagnets.
After they do so, the Mathra trap becomes invisible, and the Cluefinders lure the returning Limburger to fly his plane into it. Upon falling into the trap, Limburger's plane drops into the pits. As the ClueFinders leave the rainforest by boat, Dr. Pythagoras gives them LapTrap as a reward for them for saving the rainforest. LapTrap faints when he hears he'll be going on more dangerous adventures with them, as the forest creatures that the ClueFinders helped wave goodbye to them in the distance.
Meanwhile, Limburger reappears in the rainforest, having survived the plunge on the bottomless pits. He swears his vengeance against the Cluefinders, and as he walks away with his dark mood unappeased, the real Mathra appears behind him, roars, and breathes fire.
Cluefinders Wiki Explore. Popular pages. Horace Pythagoras. Fletcher Q. Limburger Alistair Loveless Aliens Ms.
Afraid that Mathra might escape, they fled their city and locked the entrance with a golden key, which they split into two halves. The halves of the key were then buried deep in puzzles in two corners of the forest, in hopes that this would only allow the wise and worthy to enter the city. After, the Rings of Fire activity, the wall explodes and Dr. Pythagoras is free and says "Kids! As the ClueFinders leave the rainforest by boat, Dr. Pythagoras gives them LapTrap as a reward for them for saving the rainforest.
LapTrap faints when he hears he'll be going on more dangerous adventures with them, as the forest creatures that the ClueFinders helped wave goodbye to them in the distance.