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Veezo View — The Most ft. DJ Vino ft. Jnr B ft. Patoranking [New Video] Video January 9, Riky Rick ft. Submit Type above and press Enter to search. Naturally, the type of payload a spacecraft has depends directly on the type of mission it's performing. For example, the payload for a mission to monitor Earth's ozone layer could be an array of scientific sensors, each designed to measure some aspect of this life-protecting chemical compound Figure As this example illustrates, we design payloads to interact with the primary focus for the mission, called the subject.

In this example, the subject would be the ozone. If our mission objective were to monitor forest fires, the subject would be the fire and we would design spacecraft payloads that could detect the unique characteristics or 'signature' of forest fires, such as their light, heat, or smoke. As we'll see in Chapter 11, understanding the subject, and its unique properties, are critical to designing space payloads to detect or interact with them.

The payloads for the UARS are sensitive instruments, which take images of various chemicals in Earth's atmosphere. But the functions performed by a spacecraft bus aren't that different from those a common school bus does. Without the spacecraft bus, the payload couldn't do its job. The spacecraft bus provides all the 'housekeeping' functions necessary to make the payload work.

The bus includes various subsystems that produce and distribute electrical power, maintain the correct temperature, process and store data, communicate with other spacecraft and Earth-bound operators, control the spacecraft's orientation, and hold everything together Figure We'll learn more about spacecraft bus design in Chapter 11 and explore the fundamentals of all bus subsystems in Chapter It's the spacecraft's job to carry out the mission, but it can't do that unless it's in the right place at the right time.

The next important element of the space mission architecture is concerned with making sure the spacecraft gets to where it needs to go. The spacecraft bus for this DSCS III spacecraft provides power, attitude control, thermal control, and communi cation with mission operators. Air Force Trajectories and Orbits A trajectory is the path an object follows through space. In getting a spacecraft from the launch pad into space, a launch vehicle follows a carefully-chosen ascent trajectory designed to lift it efficiently out of Earth's atmosphere.

Once in space, the spacecraft resides in an orbit. We'll look at orbits in great detail in later chapters, but for now it's useful to think of an orbit as a fixed 'racetrack' on which the spacecraft travels around a planet or other celestial body.

Similar to car racetracks, orbits usually have an oval shape, as shown in Figure Just as planets orbit the Sun, we can place spacecraft into orbit around Earth. When selecting an orbit for a particular satellite mission, we need to know where the spacecraft needs to point its instruments and antennas. The Orbit. We can think of an orbit as a fixed racetrack in space that the spacecraft drives on.

Depending on the mission, this racetrack's size, shape, and orientation will vary. Chapter 1 Space in Our Lives We can put a spacecraft into one of a limitless number of orbits, but we must choose the orbit which best fulfills the mission. For instance, suppose our mission is to provide continuous communication between New York and Los Angeles.

Our subject—the primary focus for the mission—is the communication equipment located in these two cities, so we want to position our spacecraft in an orbit that allows it to always see both cities. The orbit's size, shape, and orientation determine whether the payload can observe these subjects and carry out the mission.

Just as climbing ten flights of stairs takes more energy than climbing only one, putting a spacecraft into a higher larger orbit requires more energy, meaning a bigger launch vehicle and greater expense. The orbit's size height also determines how much of Earth's surface the spacecraft field of view. Naturally, the higher the orbit, the more total area swath width they can see at once. But just as our eyes are limited in how much of a scene we can see without moving them or turning our head, a spacecraft payload has similar limitations.

We define the payload's field-of-view FOV , as shown in Figure, to be the cone of visibility for a particular sensor. Our eyes, for example, have a useful field of view of about degrees, meaning without moving our eyes or turning our head, we can see about degrees of the scene around us.

Depending on the sensor's field of view and the height of its orbit, a specific total area on Earth's Figure Field-of-View FOV. The FOV of a spacecraft defines the area of coverage on Earth's surface, called the swath width. We call the linear width or diameter of this area the swath width, as shown in Figure Some missions require continuous coverage of a point on Earth or the ability to communicate simultaneously with every point on Earth.

When this happens, a single spacecraft can't satisfy the mission need. Instead, we build a fleet of identical spacecraft and place them in different orbits to provide the necessary coverage. We call this collection of cooperating spacecraft a constellation. The Global Positioning System GPS mission requirement is a good exampleof one that requires a constellation of satellites to do the job.

The mission statement called for every point on Earth be in view of at least four GPS satellites at any one time. This was impossible to do with just four satellites at any altitude. Instead, mission planners designed the GPS constellation to contain 24 satellites working together to continuously cover the world Figure The GPS constellation guarantees that every point on the globe receives at least four satellite signals simulta neously, for accurate position, velocity, and time computations.

Courtesy of the National Air and Space Museum Another constellation of spacecraft called the Iridium System, provides global coverage for personal communications.

This constellation of 66 satellites operates in low orbits. This new mobile telephone service is revolutionizing the industry with person-to-person phone links, meaning we can have our own, individual phone number and call any other telephone on Earth from virtually anywhere, at any time. Launch Vehicles Now that we know where the spacecraft's going, we can determine how to get it there.

As we said, it takes energy to get into orbit—the higher the orbit, the greater the energy. Because the size of a spacecraft's orbit 16 1. The thunderous energy released in a rocket's fiery blast-off provides the velocity for our spacecraft to 'slip the surly bonds of Earth' as John GillespieMagee wrote in his poem, 'High Flight' and enter the realm of space, as the Shuttle demonstrates in Figure A launch vehicle is the rocket we see sitting on the launch pad during countdown.

It provides the necessary velocity change to get a spacecraft into space. At lift-off, the launch vehicle blasts almost straight up to gain altitude rapidly and get out of the dense atmosphere which slows it down due to drag.

When it gets high enough, it slowly pitches over to gain horizontal velocity. As we'll see later, this horizontal velocity keeps a spacecraft in orbit. As we'll see in Chapter 14, current technology limits make it very difficult to build a single rocket that can deliver a spacecraft efficiently into orbit. Instead, a launch vehicle consists of a series of smaller rockets that ignite, provide thrust, and then burn out in succession, each one handing off to the next one like runners in a relay race.

These smaller rockets are stages. In most cases, a launch vehicleuses at least three stages to reach the mission orbit. For certain missions, the launch vehicle can't deliver a spacecraft to its final orbit by itself. Instead, when the launch vehicle finishes its job, it leaves the spacecraft in a parking orbit.

A parking orbit is a temporary orbit where the spacecraft stays until transferring to its final mission orbit. After the spacecraft is in its parking orbit, a final 'kick' sends it into a transfer orbit. A transfer orbit is an intermediate orbit that takes the spacecraftfrom Figure Lift Off! The Space Shuttle acts as a booster to lift satellites into low-Earth orbit. From there, an upperstage moves the satellite into a higher orbit. With one more kick, the spacecraft accelerates to stay in its mission orbit and can get started with business, as shown in Figure Space Mission Orbits.

We use the booster primarily to deliver a spacecraft into a low-altitude parking orbit. From this point an upperstage moves the spacecraft into a transfer orbit, and then to the mission orbit. The extra kicks of energy needed to transfer the spacecraft from its parking orbit to its mission orbit comes from an upperstage. In some cases, the upperstage is actually part of the spacecraft, sharing the plumbing and propellant which the spacecraft will use later to orient itself and maintain its orbit.

In other cases, the upperstage is an autonomous 17 Figure In the latter case, the upperstage releases the spacecraft once it completes its job, then moves out of the way by de-orbiting to burn up in the atmosphere or by raising its orbit a bit and becoming another piece of space junk.

Regardless of how it is configured, the upperstage consists mainly of a rocket engine or engines and the propellent needed to change the spacecraft's energy enough to enter the desired mission orbit. Figure shows the upperstage used to send the Magellan spacecraft to Venus.

After a spacecraft reaches its mission orbit, it may still need rocket engines to keep it in place or maneuver to another orbit. These relatively small rocket engines are thrusters and they adjust the spacecraft's orientation and maintain the orbit's size and shape, both of which can change over time due to external forces.

We'll learn more about rockets of all shapes and sizes in Chapter Mission Operations Systems As you can imagine, designing, building, and launching space missions requires a number of large, expensive facilities. Communicating Figure The mission operations system include the ground and space-based infrastructure needed to coordinate all other elements of the space mission architecture.

It is the 'glue' that holds the mission together. As we'll see in Chapter 15, operations systems include manufacturing and testing facilities to build the spacecraft, launch facilities to prepare the launch vehicle and get it safely off the ground, and communication networks and operations centers used by the flight-control team to coordinate activities once it's in space. One of the critical aspects of linking all these far-flung elements together is the communication process.

Figure shows the compo nents of a typical communication network. Whether we're talking to our friend across a noisy room or to a spacecraft on the edge of the solar system, the basic problems are the same. We'll see how to deal with these problems in greater detail in Chapter Mission Management and Operations So far, most of our discussion of space missions has focused on hardware—spacecraft, launch vehicles, and operations facilities.

But while the mission statement may be the heart of the mission, and the hardware the tools, the mission still needs a brain. No matter how much we spend on advanced technology and complex systems there is still the need for people. People are the most important element of any space mission. Without people handling various jobs and services, all the expensive hardware is useless. Mission Operations System. The flight-control team relies on a complex infrastructure of control centers, tracking sites, satellites, and relay satellites to keep them in contact with spacecraft and users.

In this example, data goes to the Space Shuttle from a tracking site, which relays it through another satellite, such as the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite TDRS , back to the control center. The network then passes the data to users through a third relay satellite. Hollywood tends to show us only the most 'glamorous' space jobs— astronauts doing tasks during a space walk or diligent engineers hunched over computers in the Mission Control Center Figure But you don't have to be an astronaut or even a rocket scientist to work with space.

Thousands of jobs in the aerospace industry require only a desire to work hard and get the job done. Many of these jobs are in space mission management and operations. Mission management and operations encompasses all of the 'cradle to grave' activities needed to take a mission from a blank sheet of paper to on-orbit reality, to the time when they turn out the lights and everyone moves on to a new mission.

Mission managers lead the program from the beginning. The mission management team must define the mission statement and lay out a workable mission architecture to make it happen.

Mission Control Center. After several tense days, the mission control team at the Johnson Space Center watch the Apollo 13 crew arrive on the recovery ship after splashdown. From food services to legal services, a diverse and dedicated team is needed to get any space mission off the ground. It can take a vast army of people to manage thousands of separate tasks, perform accounting services, receive raw materials, ship products, and do all the other work associated with any space mission.

Sure, an astronaut turning a bolt to fix a satellite gets his or her picture on the evening news, but someone had to make the wrench, and someone else had to place it in the toolbox before launch. As soon as the spacecraft gets to orbit, mission operations begin.

The first word spoken by humans from the surface of the Moon was 'Houston. To the anxious Flight Director and his operations team, that first transmission from the lunar surface was important 'mission data. Small Satellite Ground Sta tion. The size and complexity of the control center and flight-control team depends on the mission. Here a single operator controls over a dozen small satellites. Courtesy of Surrey Satellite Technology, Ltd. Furthermore, we have to factor in how the flight-control team will receive and monitor data on the spacecraft's health and to build in ground control for commanding the spacecraft's functions from the complex, minute to minute, activities on the Space Shuttle, to the far more relaxed activities for less complex, small satellites, as shown in Figure It would be nice if, once we deploy a spacecraft to its final orbit, it would work day after day on its own.

Then users on Earth could go about their business without concern for the spacecraft's 'care and feeding. Modern spacecraft, despite their sophistication, require a lot of attention from a team of flight controllers on the ground.

The mission operations team monitors the spacecraft's health and status to ensure it operates properly. Should trouble arise, flight controllers have an arsenal of procedures they can use to nurse the spacecraft back to health. Within the mission's operation center, team members hold positions that follow the spacecraft's functional lines.

For example, one person may monitor the spacecraft's path through space wliile another keeps an eye 20 1. Space operations involves monitoring and controlling spacecraft from the ground. The lead mission operator, called theflight director operations director or mission director , orchestrates the inputs from each of the flight-control disciplines. Flight directors make decisions about the spacecraft's condition and the important mission data, based on recommendations and their own experience and judgment.

We'll examine the specific day-to-day responsibilities of mission operators in greater detail in Chapter The Space Mission Architecture in Action Now that we've defined all these separate mission elements, let's look at an actual space mission to see how it works in practice.

The primary objectives of this mission were to deploy three science and engineering satellites, run experiments on human physiology, and operate microgravity tests.

In Figure , we show how all the elements for this mission tie together. Throughout the rest of this book, we'll focus our attention on the individual elements that make up a space mission. We'll begin putting missions into perspective by reviewing the history of spaceflight in Chapter 2. Next, we'll set the stage for our understanding of space by exploring the unique demands of this hostile environment in Chapter 3. In Chapters , we'll consider orbits and trajectories to see how their behavior affects mission planning.

In Chapters , we turn our attention to the spacecraft to learn how all payloads and their supporting subsystems tie together to make an effective mission. Chapter 15 looks at the remaining two elements of a space mission—operations systems and mission management and operations. There we explore complex communication networks and see how to manage and operate successful missions. Finally, in Chapter 16, we look at trends in space missions, describe how space policy affects missions and how the bottom line, cost, affects everything we do in space.

This includes the orbit or racetrack the spacecraft follows around the Earth. It consists of all the infrastructure needed to get the mission off the ground, and keep it there, such as manufacturing facilities, launch sites, communications networks, and mission operations centers.

An army of people make a mission successful. From the initial idea to the end of the mission, individuals doing their jobs well ensure the mission products meet the users' needs. References 7 What is a parking orbit?

A transfer orbit? Canuto, Vittorio and Carlos Chagas. The Impact ofSpace Exploration on Mankind. Wertz, James R. Space Mission Analysis and Design. Third edition. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Wilson, Andrew ed. Jane's information group. Alexandria, VA, Ss Mission Problems 10 What is the mission management and operations 1. What five unique advantages of space make its exploitation imperative for modern society? Once deployed from the low Shuttle orbit, an inertial upperstage IUS will boost the What are the four primary space missions in use today?

Give an example of how each has affected, or could affect, your life. Once in place, it will monitor Earth's atmosphere and relay the data to scientists on 1. The mission statement tells us what three things?

List the two basic parts of a spacecraft and discuss what they do for the mission. What is an orbit? How does changing its size affect the energy required to get into it and the swath width available to any payload in this orbit?

Outline what points you'd expect each side to make. Mission Statement: To monitor iceflows in the Arctic Ocean and warn ships in the area.

How would you respond to this charge? List and explain each element of the mission. Compile a list of skills needed by each member of the astronaut crew and the mission team. Voyager 2 actually launched a month prior to Voyager 1, which flew on a shorter, faster path. This shorter trajectory enabled Voyager 1 to arrive at the first planet, Jupiter, four months before Voyager2.

The timing of the operation was critical. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune align themselves for such a mis sion only once every years. The results from the Voyager program have answered and raised many basic questions about the origin of our solar system. Two of these are the Cassini mission to explore Saturn and the Galileo mission to study Jupiter.

These two new missions by NASA will help to answer the new questions the Voyager missions have uncovered. First, they built two identical spacecraft for redundancy. They feared that the avail able technology meant at least one of the spacecraft would fail. Second, they planned to visit only Jupiter and Saturn, with a possibility of visiting Neptune and Uranus, if the spacecraft lasted long enough.

It was generally agreed that five years was the limit on space craft lifetimes. In the end, both spacecraft performed far better than anyone wildly imagined. Today they continue their voyage through empty space beyond our solar system, their mission complete. Voyager Mission. The Voyager spacecraft points its sensitive instruments toward Saturn and keeps its high-gain antenna directed at Earth.

Do you think the United States should spend more money on future exploratory missions? What about teaming up with other The Voyager spacecraft used the gravity of the planets they visited to slingshot themselves to their next target. This gravity assist described in Chap. Voyager 1 headed into deep space after probing Saturn's rings. Voyager 2, however, successfully advanced countries? Do you think there will be pay back in natural probed Neptune and Uranus, as well.

Air Force Academy resources? Scientists believe this is caused by the strong gravity from Uranus reacting with a process called References Davis, Joel. New York: Atheneum, Evans, Barry. Blue Ridge Summit: Tab Books, differentiation where the densest material on the moon migrates to the core. The result is a moon which looks like 'scoops of marble-fudge ice cream'—the dense and light materials mixed randomly in jigsaw fashion.

Vogt, Gregory. Brookfield: The Millbrook Press, Neil Armstrong can be seen reflected in his helmet. Astore the U. Robert H. Long before rockets and interplanetary probes escaped Earth's atmosphere, people explored the heavens with their eyes and imagination. Later, with the aid of telescopes and other instruments, humans continued their quest to understand and bring order to the heavens.

With order came a deeper understanding of humanity's place in the universe. Thousands of years ago, the priestly classes of ancient Egypt and Babylon carefully observed the heavens to plan religious festivals, to control the planting and harvesting of various crops, and to understand at least partially the realm in which they believed many of their gods lived.

Later, philosophers such as Aristotle and Ptolemy developed complex theories to explain and predict the motions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars. Though William Herschel discovered Uranus in , we didn't see it this well until the Hubble Space The theories of Aristotle and Ptolemy dominated astronomy and our understanding of the heavens well into the s.

Combining ancient traditions with new observations and insights, natural philosophers such as Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei offered rival explanations from the s onward. Using their ideas and Isaac Newton's new tools of physics, astronomers in the s and s made several startling discoveries, including two new planets—Uranus Figure and Neptune Figure As we moved into the 20th century physical exploration of space became possible.

Advances in technology, accelerated by World War II, made missiles and eventually large rockets available, allowing us to escape Earth entirely. In this chapter, we'll follow the trailblazers who have led us from our earliest attempts to explore space to our explorations of the Moon and beyond. Telescope took this image in It is a cold, distant planet, yet Hubble Space Telescope images bring it to life and tell us much about its make up and atmospheric activity.

Explain the two traditions of thought established by Aristotle and Ptolemy that dominated astronomy into the s Discuss the contributions to astronomy made by prominent philosophers and scientists in the modern age Astronomy Begins More than years ago, the Egyptians and Babylonians were, for the most part, content with practical and religious applications of their heavenly observations.

They developed calendars to control agriculture and star charts both to predict eclipses and to show how the movements of the Sun and planets influenced human lives astrology. But the ancient Greeks took a more contemplative approach to studying space. They held that astronomy—the science of the heavens—was a divine practice best understood through physical theories.

Based on observations, aesthetic arguments, and common sense, the Greek philosopher Aristotle B. He also developed comprehensive rules to explain changes such as the motion of objects. Explaining how and why objects change their position can be difficult, and Aristotle made mistakes. For example, he reasoned that if you dropped two balls, one heavy and one light at precisely the same time, the heavier ball would fall faster to hit the ground first, as illustrated in Figure Galileo would later prove Aristotle wrong.

But his rigorous logic set an example for future natural philosophers to follow. Looking to the heavens, Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle, saw perfection. Because the circle was perfectly symmetric, the Greeks surmised that the paths of the planets and stars must be circular. Furthermore, because the gods must consider Earth to be of central importance in the universe, it must occupy the center of creation with everything else revolving around it.

In this geostatic Earth not moving and geocentric Earth-centered universe, Aristotle believed solid crystalline spheres carried the five known planets, as well as the Moon and Sun, in circular paths around the Earth. An outermost crystalline sphere held the stars and bounded the universe.

In Aristotle's model, an 'unmoved mover,' or god, inspired these spheres to circle Earth. Aristotle further divided his universe into two sections—a sublunar realm everything beneath the Moon's sphere and a superlunar realm everything from the Moon up to the sphere of the fixed stars , as seen in 33 Figure Aristotle's Rules of Motion. Aristotle predicted that heavy objects fall faster than light objects.

Chapter 2 Exploring Space Figure Humans lived in the imperfect sublunar realm, consisting of four elements—earth, water, air, and fire. Earth and water naturally moved down—air and fire tended to move up.

The perfect superlunar realm, in contrast, was made up of a fifth element aether whose natural motion was circular.

In separating Earth from the heavens and using different laws of physics for each, Aristotle complicated the efforts of future astronomers. Although this model of the universe may seem strange to us, Aristotle developed it from extensive observations combined with a strong dose of common sense.

What should concern us most is not the accuracy but the audacity of Aristotle's vision of the universe. With the power of his mind alone, Aristotle explored and ordered the heavens. His geocentric model of the universe dominated astronomy for years. Astronomy in the ancient world reached its peak of refinement in about A. Following Greek tradition, Ptolemy calculated orbits for the Sun, Moon, and planets using complex combinations of circles. These combinations, known as eccentrics, Figure Aristotle's Model.

The universe divided into two sections—a sublunar and a superlunar realm—each having its own distinct elements and physical laws. Courtesy of Sigloch Edition epicycles, and equants, were not meant to represent physical reality— they were merely devices for calculating and predicting motion. Like Aristotle, Ptolemy held that heavenly bodies—suspended in solid crystalline spheres, composed of aether—followed their natural tendency to circle Earth.

In the eyes of the ancients, describing motion kinematics and explaining the causes of motion dynamics were two separate problems. It would take almost years before Kepler healed this split.

Astronomers made further strides during the Middle Ages, with Arabic contributions being especially noteworthy. While Europe struggled through the Dark Ages, Arabic astronomers translated the Almagest and other ancient texts. They developed a learned tradition of commentary about these texts, which Copernicus later found invaluable in his reform of Ptolemy.

Arabs also perfected the astrolabe, a sophisticated observational instrument, shown in Figure , used to chart the courses of the stars and aid travellers in navigation. Their observations, collected in the Toledan tables, formed the basis of the Alfonsine Tables used for astronomical calculations in the west from the 13th century to the midth century. Moreover, Arabic numerals, combined with the Hindu concept of zero, replaced the far clumsier Roman numerals.

Together with Arabic advances in trigonometry, this new numbering system greatly enhanced computational astronomy. Our language today bears continuing witness to Arabic contributions—we adopted algebra, nadir, zenith, and other words and concepts from them. With the fall of Toledo, Spain, in , Arabic translations of and commentaries about ancient Greek and Roman works became available to Figure Arabic scholars used an astrolabe to determine latitude, tell time, and make astronomical calculations.

It revolu tionized astronomy and navigation. Courtesy of Sigloch Edition the west, touching off a renaissance in 12th-century Europe. Once again, Europeans turned their attention to the heavens. But because medieval scholasticism had made Aristotle's principles into dogma, centuries passed before fundamental breakthroughs occurred in astronomy 34 2.

Nicolaus Copernicus , a Renaissance humanist and Catholic cleric Figure , reordered the universe and enlarged humanity's horizons within it.

He placed the Sun near the center of the solar system, as shown in Figure , and had Earth rotate on its axis once a day while revolving about the Sun once a year. Copernicus promoted his heliocentric sun-centered vision of the universe in his On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres, which he dedicated to Pope Paul III in A heliocentric universe, he explained, is more symmetric, simpler, and matches observations better than Aristotle's and Ptolemy's geocentric model.

For example, Copernicus explained it was simpler to attribute the observed rotation of the sphere of the fixed stars he didn't abandon Aristotle's notion of solid crystalline spheres to Earth's own daily rotation than to imagine the immense sphere of the fixed stars rotating at near infinite speed about a fixed Earth.

Copernicus further observed that, with respect to a viewer located on Earth, the planets occasionally appear to back up in their orbits as they move against the background of the fixed stars. Ptolemy had resorted to complex combinations of circles to explain this retrograde or backward motion of the planets.

But Copernicus cleverly explained that this motion was simply the effect of Earth overtaking, and being overtaken by, the planets as they all revolve about the Sun. Copernicus' heliocentric system had its drawbacks, however. Copernicus couldn't prove Earth moved, and he couldn't explain why Earth rotated on its axis while revolving about the Sun. He also adhered to the Greek tradition that orbits follow uniform circles, so his geometry was nearly as complex and physically erroneous as Ptolemy's.

In addition, Copernicus wrestled with the problem of parallax—the apparent shift in the position of bodies when viewed from different locations. If Earth truly revolved about the Sun, critics noted, a viewer stationed on Earth should see art apparent shift in position of a closer star with respect to its more distant neighbors.

Because no one saw this shift, Copernicus' sun-centered system was suspect. In response, Copernicus speculated Figure Nicolaus Copernicus. He reor dered the universe and enlarged humanity's horizons. Courtesy of Western Civilization Collection, the U. Air Force Academy that the stars must be at vast distances from Earth, but such distances were far too great for most people to contemplate at the time, so this idea was also widely rejected.

Copernicus saw himself more as a reformer than as a revolutionary. Nevertheless, he did revolutionize astronomy and challenge humanity's view of itself and the world.

The reality of his system was quickly denied by Catholics and Protestants alike, with Martin Luther bluntly asserting: 'This fool [Copernicus] wishes us to reverse the entire science of astronomy Copernican Model of the Solar System. Copernicus placed the Sun near the center of the universe with the planets moving around it in circular orbits.

Courtesy of Sigloch Edition Chapter 2 Exploring Space Because of these physical and religious problems, only a few scholars dared to embrace Copernicanism. Those who did were staggered by its implications.

If Earth were just another planet, and the heavens were far more vast than previously believed, then perhaps an infinite number of inhabited planets were orbiting an infinite number of suns, and perhaps the heavens themselves were infinite. Giordano Bruno Figure Tycho Brahe. He made valuable, astronomical observations, overturning Aristotle's theories and paving the way for later theoricians.

Air Force Academy promoted these views, but because of their radical nature and his unorthodox religious views, he was burned at the stake in Ironically, Bruno's vision of an infinite number of inhabited worlds occupying an infinite universe derived from his belief that an omnipotent God could create nothing less.

Eventually, other intrepid explorers seeking to plumb the depths of space would share his vision. But his imaginative insights were ultimately less productive than more traditional observational astronomy, especially as practiced at this time by Tycho Brahe Brahe Figure rebelled against his parents, who wanted him to study law and serve the Danish King at court in typical Renaissance fashion. Instead, he studied astronomy and built, on the island of Hven in the Danish Sound, a castle-observatory known as Uraniborg, or 'heavenly castle.

Never one to duck a challenge, Brahe once dueled with another Danish nobleman and lost part of his nose, which lie ingeniously reconstructed out of gold, silver, and wax. Brahe's Quadrant. Brahe brought the same ingenuity and tenacity to observational astronomy. He obtained the best observing instruments of his time and pushed them to the limits of their accuracy to achieve observations precise to approximately one minute of arc Figure If you were to draw a circle and divide it into equal parts, the angle described would be a degree.

If you then divide each degree into 60 equal parts, you would get one minute ofarc. Figure gives an idea of how small one minute of arc is. Brahe observed the supernova of and the comet of He calculated that the nova was far beyond the sphere of the Moon and that the comet's orbit intersected those of the planets. Thus, he concluded that change does occur in the superlunar realm and that solid crystalline spheres don't exist in space. In a sense, he shattered Aristotle's solid spheres theory, concluding that space was imperfect and empty except for the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars.

Although Brahe's findings were revolutionary, he couldn't bring himself to embrace the Copermcan model of the solar system.

Instead, he kept the Earth at the center of everything in a complex, geo-heliocentric model of the universe. In this model, the Moon and Sun revolved about Earth, with Figure What is One Minute of Arc?

It is the angle that a 1. This alternative model preserved many of the merits of the Copernican system while keeping Christians safely at the center of everything. Many scholars who could not accept Copernicanism, such as the Jesuits, adopted Brahe's system.

But Johannes Kepler , shown in Figure , was. Astronomers, Kepler held, were priests of nature who God called to interpret His creation. Because God plainly chose to manifest Himself in nature, the study of the heavens would undoubtedly be pleasing to God and as holy as the study of Scripture.

Inspired by this perceived holy decree, Kepler explored the universe, trying to redraw in his own mind God's harmonious blueprint for it.


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