How to download untraditionalnerd penis mod

I do not take money for this and you should not even think about it. Do not offer any recolor as a stand alone. Link back to my page. If used for photo shoots or something else let me know I will love to like, and reblog. UN cas skintone. Hello everyone! I want to thank my dear friend darkosims3 for helping me with the texture. It works as the first version.

You will need my Body overlays overrides and skin tone edit to get this mod to work. You will find them in the downloads list Detailed Bottom This mod will come in 4 versions. If you guys like the uncut version I will work on it to offer more variety for it. Penis Blush A penis blush.. Penis Piercings 3 sets that fits the 3 versions of the cut edition. UN cas man penis. Do not edit the mesh. If u want to recolor let me know and I will provide the png If used pls tag me. Please let me know if there is any issue.

Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions. UN rabbit mask. Hello Everyone, Been a while, huh?! If you guys use a CC that has an incorrect spec or that it is set up to kill the spec the result will not be as shown in the pictures.

It will have only the bump map. Take note of this. TOU Do not re upload as yours. UN leather harness man. Here for you a really simple CC I made. I'm sure you know what inspired me eheh This is my take and I hope you will like it. A crown for the king! It will work with certain hairstyles and with the rest will have clipping problems. Keep in mind they have a really high poly count. Up to 50k You will find them in the necklace section. Download: Patreon Please let me know if there is any issue or if you have any feedback or suggestions.

Quick update: Today I will post all my wings. Will take some time. Over files to edit : I will also re post my torso mod and leather harnesses. I should be able to post my old body mods by the end of the week. Which means i can start working on the big projects: Ear piercings v2, Minotaur v3, satyr v1 and bottom mod v2 ww compatible and random improvements.

If any skin maker is available to talk about male skin mods please send me a message! I can also share a psd file to help with the process : See you soon! I was thinking to stream this Sunday or tomorrow. What do you guys think? It would be in the evening, around 9 pm gmt. Is Picarto still a thing or should I try YouTube? Lot Type: Residential. Tier 3 - Small Home. And After placing the Lot, it is recommended to flip the whole lot.

Known bug? The outside trash can no longer be used?? OMG he looks amazing!! Thank you so much!! No Random Allowed.

Charlene Holmes's Ownd


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